10 Tips for college students to learn, so quickly passed

after entering college in the first day, so the writers will remember the post title ini.Sehingga writers wasted no time to immediately write an article that may be useful is, well this time I will discuss tips for students to learn where these tips I normally use every day, prior to the discussion I would like to ask all fellow bloggers who have entered college level, the question that is the target of what you are looking for in a college? how long you want to finish your study?. question above is a simple question that sometimes it is difficult to answer.
Now we review one by one, targets students in the study of learning there is a wide range of target GPA cumlaud, there is also a 4-year graduation target S1, and others, and an average of 2 students that often targets the catapult, so how the target was can be achieved? Another not to know the appropriate tips and effisien.bagaimana learn good study tips?.
learning is a process we understand something, we will be easy to learn and listen to the lessons we can then develop appropriate our creativity, as an example: a student information system was a class on logic and structure of the algorithm, explain the coincidence lecturer in logic to tie a tie which write in the form of flow chart from start mengalungkang tie to the neck, to tie a good knot, tie with learning by example and want to develop the student learning outcomes then it is not difficult for the student to make the logic of a software logic pharmacy with buyers coming, love prescription, medication received, paid , out receipt.
now go to the core of the problem is a good study tips for students to note are:

1.Niat want belajar.tanpa intentions do not you learn to read the title of the book cover alone is lazy.

2.Jangan had studied in the absence fokus.hilangkan all issues for a moment whether it's a boyfriend problem, campus, friends etc.. just focus so much easier entry of the lesson.

3.If indeed connected to the internet searching for study materials, make it a habit to not open the tab facebook, twitter, youtube and the like

4.Manfaatkan library as a source of knowledge.

5.Jangan shame that more could be asked, by asking appropriate questions we can explore our needs, and sometimes the book does not provide a discussion of it.

6.Manfaankan forum, with berforum we can discuss the issues of the case we are dealing with, such as forums kaskus, seconds forums, etc..

7.Belajar with 1x7 system means learning 1 hour every day routine for 1 week or 7 hari.bukan 7X1 alias study 7 hours in a day because the next day ujian.cara these students are still much in use.

8.Buat study groups in order to better learn, but do not talk that there is no benefit .. chat about or discuss it with the same subject matter.

9.Buat special alarm clock for your study, so while you was busy playing games or chat you will always be reminded by the alrm it, and you also must comply with the agreement that you have created yourself.

10.Selalu ask for judgment or advice from friends, so we can more forward.

That seklumit good study tips for students which I often do, it could be a material consideration for his friends semua.sekian first of my more or less say sorry.

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